Kogarah High School


Telephone02 9587 5815



Helping you make good career decisions

The Kogarah High School careers website provides a careers library (including electronic sources) of up-to-date and relevant information on careers and post-secondary education and training options

JobJump To access the website you will need your login details; please contact the careers advisor

QILT quality indicators for learning and teaching.  Thinking about higher education institutions and study areas? Wish you could ask someone about their experience? With QILT, you can do side by side comparisons of the quality of the higher education institutions and the study areas that you’re interested in. 

Careers advisor role

  • assists with subject choices, and tertiary course choices, application and selection procedures and provide information to parents
  • manages the work experience/work placement programs contributing to careers education programs/units in middle school and relevant areas in the HSC
  • keeps school staff and administration abreast of developments in post-secondary training and education and employment trends and contribute to cross-curriculum programs such as VET in schools publishes a kit for final year students, and students leaving school of relevant contacts and support materials. 
  • publishes a kit for final year students, and students leaving school of relevant contacts and support materials.

Curriculum links

  • LifeLauncher offers over 4,000 careers and 1,500 course options all in one place. Simple quizzes help match your interests and strengths to career options suited to you. You can even create free online pin boards to short-list and explore courses and careers that interest you. Click link here

Year 10 guide to selecting HSC subjects

The Careers Advice for Subject Selection will aid students in the process of selecting subjects for year 11 and 12. Students will have the opportunity to align their interests with their desired career and have the HSC recommended courses to study in their senior years.

The Subjection Selection guide will assist students in subject selections for year 11 and 12. 

Year 12 Information and Advice

Find your way to uni with Course Compass

Finishing Year 12 this year and not sure what uni course to apply for? There are lots of things to think about when you're making such a big decision, but sometimes it can really help to find out what paths have been taken by people just like you.

How it works

Once you're in Course Compass, just follow these three easy steps:

1. Select the state or territory in which you are completing/have completed Year 12.

Pre-2023 HSC students: Also select whether or not you know your ATAR.

2. Select your Year 12 courses (ie courses examined in 2023).

Pre-2023 HSC students with an ATAR: Enter your HSC mark for each course.

3. Select your estimated ATAR range.

Pre-2023 HSC students with an ATAR: Enter your actual ATAR.

That's it!

View the following video on Course Compass - Universities Admissions Centre

The UAC offer flow chart is a step-by-step flow chart outlining the process of accepting an offer.

For students interested in the lowest ATAR accepted into degrees in 2023, refer to the Lowest Selection Rank for courses in 2023 guide.