Kogarah High School

Respectful Responsible Resilient Reflective

Telephone02 9587 5815


Sports day information

Integrated sport (Years 7, 9 and 10)

Students in years 7, 9 and 10 participate in an Integrated Sport program on Thursdays each week. Students will participate in a range of sports including basketball, soccer, AFL, touch football, flag football, netball, tennis and beach sports. Students will have the opportunity to utilise external venues including Scarborough Park, Rockdale Tennis Courts and Brighton Beach to provide opportunities for a broad range of sporting options.

Grade sport (Year 8)

Students in year 8 will have the opportunity to participate in a grade sport or integrated sport competition. Students who choose to participate in grade sport will have the opportunity to compete against other schools in the St George Secondary Schools Sports Association and have the option to select from a range of sports including soccer, volleyball, basketball and touch football.

Students who do not wish to participate in the grade sport program will participate in an integrated sport program with the opportunity to develop skills across a range of sports including basketball, soccer, AFL, touch football, flag football, netball, and tennis.

Knockout sport (Years 7-12)

All students have the opportunity to participate in knockout sport tournaments or gala days throughout the year. Information regarding tournaments is available on the Sports Noticeboard (outside the PE staffroom) or by visiting the PDHPE Staffroom for more information.

Kogarah High School has a strong tradition of success in various sports, notably, soccerand volleyball.

Sport uniform

All students, regardless of their chosen activity are required to wear their full sport uniform to school on Wednesdays. The Kogarah High School Sport Uniform Policy is available online.

Sport fees

Students will pay a sport levy for their chosen sport which covers transport and venue hire.  The fee can be paid via the website or to the front office.