Kogarah High School

Respectful Responsible Resilient Reflective

Telephone02 9587 5815



Stage 5 photographic & digital media

Photographic and digital media plays a significant role in the curriculum by providing specialised learning opportunities to enable students to understand and explore the nature of photographic and digital media as an important field of artistic practice, conceptual knowledge and technological procedures. The broad areas of photography and digital media such as print, interactive and moving forms are extremely relevant and of fundamental interest to students. Much of their knowledge of the world and their notions of cultural and self-identity, come from the photographic and digital images that permeate the visual arts and design, television, film, video, internet, mass media and multimedia.

Faculty aims/objectives

This Stage 5 course builds on the Stage 4 visual arts mandatory course. It allows opportunities for students to investigate photographic and digital media in greater depth and breadth than through the Visual Arts elective course. Through effective teaching and learning, students' knowledge of photographic and digital media can become increasingly deep and comprehensive, multifaceted, more confident and insightful. The syllabus encourages students to become enthusiastic, informed and active participants and consumers in contemporary culture. It empowers students to engage in contemporary forms of communication and encourages the creative and confident use of Information and Communication Technologies.

The aim of the photographic and digital media Years 7-10 syllabus is to enable students to:

  • develop and enjoy practical and conceptual autonomy in their abilities to represent ideas and interests in photographic and digital media works
  • understand and value the different beliefs that affect interpretation, meaning and significance in photographic and digital media.

Faculty structure

After successful completion of this Stage 5 course, students are encouraged to elect to study Photographic and Digital Media in Years 11 and 12 (Stage 6).

Student requirements

All students require a Visual Arts Diary (black page), a plastic sleeve folder and a theory book. BYOD (Bring your own device) is strongly encouraged, as well as a USB drive to store images and artworks. Homework and Assessment: Both homework and assessment for this course follow the pattern of study in class. Extracurricular Activities: Student artwork is regularly exhibited within the school, in addition to two Creative and Performing Arts showcase nights throughout the year. Competitions and exhibitions are sought throughout the year based on accessibility.

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