Kogarah High School


Telephone02 9587 5815


Information for new students

A warm welcome is extended to all of our new students and their families joining Kogarah High School.

Kogarah High School is a safe and caring school where individual needs are recognised and talents nurtured in the pursuit of personal excellence. Students at Kogarah High School achieve academic and sporting excellence. We focus the education of the whole student, addressing a range of educational needs to enhance individuality, creativity and a balanced education.

We offer a 21st Century Learning environment to help build student knowledge, understanding and skills and better prepare your child for the modern world. We pride ourselves on inclusive education and student achievement at Kogarah High School.

Our students are encouraged to excel through a positive focus that builds confidence and resilience and prepares the student for a successful future outside of the school environment.

Our highly qualified and experienced teaching staff are here to support your child, and meet the needs of gifted and talented 21st century learners as well as students who have English as a second language.

Please refer to our Enrolment page for details on how to enrol your child at Kogarah High School.

Kogarah High School
General enquiries

Gladstone Street
Kogarah NSW 2217
Telephone: 02 9587 5815
Email: kogarah-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au