Kogarah High School

Respectful Responsible Resilient Reflective

Telephone02 9587 5815


Extra-curricular activites and wellbeing programs

Kogarah High School has a comprehensive range of programs to support student wellbeing. These range from small group targeted programs to year group-based workshops covering a range of issues.

Our wellbeing initiatives and programs include, but are not limited to:

ABCN Mentoring

This program consists of several targeted mentoring programs throughout the year by the Australian Business and Community Network, for groups of students from all year cohorts. ABCN works in conjunction with Australian corporations to develop initiative, confidence, interpersonal skills and collaborative problem-solving.

Rock and Water

A psycho-physical program aimed at teaching students mental and social skills via interactive physical activities. The building blocks of the program are around self-control, self-reflection and self-confidence. The program pays attention to personal safety (strategies around not being bullied and how to deal with potential bullying), assertiveness, effective communication skills (self- expression), how to connect positively with fellow students, teachers and to realise their potential. This program is run on a rotational basis in Year 7 and 8 class groupings.


A targeted program aimed at enhancing social skills and self-expression through music, and help students reflect and identify personal growth areas. Students interact with each other as well as teachers and gain self-confidence and discover and develop their talents. Drumbeats currently runs at break times, twice a week.

The Learning Centre

The Learning Centre is open Monday afternoons for all year groups in the Library 3.00pm - 4.30pm, Tuesday afternoons 3.00pm - 4.30pm for Years 11 and 12 and Wednesday afternoons 1.00pm - 2.35pm. Teacher and University students are available during these times to assist students with their learning, homework and assignment tasks. A light afternoon tea is also provided on a Monday and Tuesday.

Breakfast Club

Running from 8.00am to 8:30am each day, Breakfast Club offers an opportunity to start the day with a cheese toastie, piece of fruit, cold or hot drink, to develop a positive school routine. Students can also develop skills in initiative and cooperation by volunteering alongside their teachers.

Hairdressing and Barbering

The Barbering program (Mondays) and Hairdressing program (Tuesdays) targets Year 9 and 10 students who have an identified interest in these fields, building their skills for possible transition to work/TAFE at the end of stage 5. Students engage in a half day program each week with a barber/hairdresser learning and implementing techniques as well as learning the skills required to run a small business in these fields.

Year 9 Wellbeing Day

This is a full day program involving physical activities, guest speakers and interactive exercises with a wellbeing focus, designed to equip students with skills, knowledge and useful contacts as they move into the second half of their high school journey.

Year 11 Life Ready

Life Ready is a mandatory element of the senior course, designed to prepare and support senior students as they encounter situations related to health and safety as they become more independent and gain more responsibilities. It focuses on offering opportunities for students to build the functional knowledge and skills for life post school. One program includes U Turn the Wheel, a mandatory driver and road safety course delivered during a school day.

Multi-Cultural Day

This special event showcases the unique traditions, music, dance, and cuisine that make up the tapestry of our multicultural society.

The day features various performances by students, a flag ceremony, and food stalls offering a taste of cuisines from around the world. This event provides an opportunity for all students to come together, learn from one another, and celebrate their differences in a spirit of unity and joy.


Kogarah High School has many extra-curricular clubs that support student wellbeing, including the following:

  • Art Club
  • Weight room training (Years 10 - 12)
  • Music Club
  • Debating / Public Speaking Club
  • Slice of Pi (Maths Club)
  • Chess Club
  • Drama Club
  • Coding Club
  • Book Club
  • Gardening Club
  • History Club
  • Knitting Club